Key English Croatian
$lang["module_config"] Configuration Postavke
$lang["module_config_desc"] Change OSPOS's Configuration. Promijeni postavke
$lang["module_customers"] Customers Kupci
$lang["module_customers_desc"] Add, Update, Delete, and Search Customers. Dodaj, ažuriraj, obriši ili traži kupce
$lang["module_employees"] Employees Radnici
$lang["module_employees_desc"] Add, Update, Delete, and Search Employees. Dodaj, ažuriraj, obriši ili traži radnike
$lang["module_giftcards"] Gift Cards Poklon bon
$lang["module_giftcards_desc"] Add, Update, Delete and Search Gift Cards. Dodaj, ažuriraj, obriši ili traži poklon bon
$lang["module_home"] Home Početna
$lang["module_item_kits"] Item Kits Normativi
$lang["module_item_kits_desc"] Add, Update, Delete and Search Item Kits. Dodaj, ažuriraj, obriši ili traži normative
$lang["module_items"] Items Artikli
$lang["module_items_desc"] Add, Update, Delete, and Search Items. Dodaj, ažuriraj, obriši ili traži artikle
$lang["module_messages"] Messages Messages
$lang["module_messages_desc"] Send Messages to Customers, Suppliers and Employees. Send Messages to Customers, Suppliers, Employees et al.
$lang["module_receivings"] Receivings Primka
$lang["module_receivings_desc"] Process Purchase Orders. Dodaj, ažuriraj, obriši ili traži primke
$lang["module_reports"] Reports Izvještaji